
Blender plugins in development

*This page will be updated on a rolling basis

Blender, OpenToonz, MyPaint, all running in the same exe

Gitlab: panjea.developers/qtmypaint

October 13, 2022

Running Blender in Maya

Moving between drawing programs can sometimes add tedious steps that take away time from the creative process. Importing and exporting between programs is often a source of data loss. But artists and animators often use multiple programs in their workflows, because there is no one tool that does it all, and specific programs offer specific advantages.

This ongoing project involves building a fork of Blender that make it easier for creators to use Blender with other Qt programs, including: OpenToonz, Maya, and MyPaint. Explanations for each integration will be below.

These experiments result in better performance and interconnectivity in comparison to previous attempts to connect Blender with external software using IPC (Interprocess Communication).


* BlenderQt is easy to extend with your custom C++
* compile script `` automates forking and injecting C++

C++ Examples

* OpenToonz is compiled as a shared library and loaded in Blender
* OpenToonz vector layers are connected to Blender Grease Pencil objects
* QtMyPaint connected to Blender textures

Blender Opentoonz single exe