
Entering in the js13k Games Competition

October 12, 2022

js13kGames shot

This year, we participated in the annual js13kGames coding competition, which challenges game developers to make tiny games that fit in a 13 kilobite folder zipped.

We worked hard up to the deadline, although things didn't go as planned, and we decided to submit our game, Pymm to the "Unfinished" category when the deadline came, as the gameplay was incomplete.

Nevertheless, we are still proud of our work, and are incorporating insights we learned from developing Pymm in the competition into our coming projects.

Notable aspects of the game

* ASCII-inspired characters designed in Blender and animated as CSS divs/objects
* Created a custom language for compression and readability that combines a macro syntax with Python syntax
* Created a custom compression format (base121)
* Poetry

Play Now

Notes: Requires desktop for best experience

Webpage | Code: Gitlab | Official Entry