An animated demo with characters made in Blender and custom exporter to our base121 format

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Notes: Requires desktop for best experience

Code: Gitlab
Pymm demo still
Pymm demo still
Pymm demo still
Pymm demo still

Pymm was created for the 2022 JS13k Games Competition. Blogpost here

See entry

Notable aspects of the game

* ASCII-inspired characters designed in Blender and animated as CSS divs/objects
* Created a custom language for compression and readability that combines a macro syntax with Python syntax
* Created a custom compression format (base121)
* Poetry

Player comments

"The nightmare fuel is real! Visual style is smashing, I so dig it." - mvasilkov

"I see it's in the unfinished category, and maybe that's why I have no clue what's going on here :D You've got something interesting going on with the graphics" - johnedvard

"Is this art, feels like its art!" - tyler6699

"The overloaded visual style is very intriguing! Where does the interactive web page stop and the game start?" - herebefrogs

"Love the way the characters are made up of primitives and lettering." - picosonic

"This game definitely has one of the most unique art styles I've come across. Looks like you were going for a side scroller with z-axis movement. And you're somehow transpiling python to js? Very intriguing! Would love to see the game finished." - rottencandy